What is gastropexy and why should I care?

Gastropexy is a surgical procedure used to prevent an emergency condition called “GDV” or “bloat”.  This is when a dog’s stomach twists and occludes the esophagus and causes the stomach to develop severe distension.  The swollen stomach will affect the ability to breath, limit the blood supply getting back to the heart and the blood supply to the stomach and even the spleen.  This is a life-threatening condition which requires immediate surgical intervention to have a chance to survive.  Emergency surgical and extensive medical care are required to save a patient with GDV patient; thus, it is quite expensive.

Large and giant breed dogs are the most common victims of this condition.  Predisposing factors, include: being deep chested, thin body condition, “sensitive stomach” dogs and those that tend to be a bit anxious.  The condition appears to have a genetic component, if relatives to your dog have had this condition then your dog is at a much greater risk.  Over the years, many assumptions have been made about eating or drinking and then becoming active right away causing GDV to happen.  There is almost no evidence that timing of eating or drinking causes this condition.

Prevention is the best option! Let us help you assess your dog’s risks and determine if a gastropexy could be indicated for your companion.  This procedure can be performed at most any time, we typically encourage having it done at the time of neutering or spay; however, it can be done any time after 6 months of age.  Gastropexy can be performed by a traditional surgery technique or by a laparoscopic assisted technique. The procedure is greater than 99% successful at preventing GDV, with much less risk and expense than emergency surgery.